Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Helping hands are better than praying lips


A genuine request to all my friends ...

               Anybody who sees someone wanting help – somebody who’s dying on the road, please do not just pass by looking at him/ her, but offer your timely support and help the person in need so that he gets his life back – make him out of danger by providing first aid. The value of another person’s life cant definitely be equated to anything else except for the fact that it involves risking one’s own life/ safety. Being late to office by an hour or to a function or anything else is always acceptable than not attending to a person who needs some support of this kind on the road.

              I’m triggered and sharing this message because I saw a man suffering from FITS/ seizure on the roads of JP Nagar (a very busy area during the peak hours). I being in the auto rickshaw on the other side of the road was trying to cross the road with the rick driver and make our way to help him. We could see many just passing by him but ignored/ avoided. But then, two other men offered him help and gave him first aid. The two men dressed not so decent ... looked not so educated were the ones who knew about the value of someone else’s life. I understand, one main reason for not offering help could be because of the rising crimes in India – trying to help but then you could be risking your own life and safety – but at least in such heavy traffic roads during peak hours I guess nobody will take a chance of harming/ cheating you.

              This is not to blame anybody. I know most of us are concerned but let’s display it at the right time. I am sharing this message just to create an awareness and request people to show humanity to the ones who need help but dying on the roads due to lack of first aid every other day.
Please do not hesitate to help – 

   You may have the opportunity of gifting somebody his/ her own life and please do take care of yourself too.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The family in me

I always thought writing a blog is not an easy job and always wanted to try it out... but couldn't really find time for myself in this competitive, fast running world where people hardly find time for themselves ...and when I started pondering on what to be included in my first blog I couldn't resist my hands from jotting down this....
And its something which we all live for and look for...Yes... Of course.. FAMILY...

Rightly said ”When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses” ... The saying sounds very simple but when you really get into its depth then thats the beginning...The two souls living and thinking of you and your happiness are the Parent's... One cannot be loved in a better way than your dad n mom does... Have we ever thought of what they are undergoing and sacrificing for our happiness? And I am no exception ... Frankly speaking, not I till the age of 17... Every silly thing you do right from your childhood, they would enjoy and take pride in whatever you do ...

Now let me take pride in introducing my parents ...The World's best parents(to me its my mom and dad) “RAJESWARI & VENKATARAMANAN” ... I have not been very close to my parents right from the start...But later, it has turned out to be the other way round ...
The love of a family is the life's greatest blessing... I am blessed...
Everything they do,they do it for me... What else do I expect in store for me ...
What do I have in store for them?!?... Yes I do have ... Why not the reason behind their smiles...???
I always want to be the reason behind their smiles ... And not the reason behind their tears ...
Amma & Appa... Whatever I do.. Wherever I go.. However I am... I LOVE YOU BOTH...

We all love our grandparents ...so as I.. I love my grandma but never ever showed it ...
I thought a special mention about my grandma “BALA” would be the right way to honor her... She always waits to see the grandchildren(the shiva sisters) and when she sees ....she feels the day is complete ... Even at the age of 75, she waits for us ...
Many a times I have had grudges against my grandma ....but still I LOVE HER ...

You made the right guess .. The next on list is obviously my SIS “SIVARANJANI” ...Sister is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship... The relationship which I treasure and will treasure throughtout my life is the one with my sister ... We have had many happy moments together and many fights too...Its my sis who taught me everything which I need to know and about life itself ... Remember sis, you are always in my heart ... “I have a sis...I have a friend forever” ... LOVE YOU SIS ...

When I introduce my ownself, I call myself a lucky girl ... not because I get or achieve what I really need ... its because I have a TWIN.. When I say twin,I am always bound to answer two queries...Firstly, were you born on the same day(I often get irritated to answer this)...Secondly, are you both identical? This question always puts me off... We look so different that we will have to introduce ourselves as TWINS and none will identify or for that matter believe ... Born Together, Grew together, we have slept together, spent time together,
T - Togetherness
W - With my
I - Intimate TWIN
N - Nandhu
“SHIVA NANDHINI” Never tried her calling this way ... She's Nandhu - We know each other very well .. We know each other's hearts .. In simple words “A Constant Togetherness” !!! There is always a special bond between the twin mates – unconditional love, respect for each other, bringing out the best in each other and highly compatible. LOVE NANDHU WITH ALL MY HEART !

I have been talking all this time about people who are with me right from my birth ... But there are a couple of people who have been recently into my life and family... The blog would be incomplete without MEENACHY SUNDHERAM and SHANKAR ... Two people who always stay by the side of me supporting and believing me in whatever I do ... I never understand the reason why and how we met in this life's journey. Not related by blood too ... But I understand and just know that God put us together to be wonderful ... I love being with you both BILs(Brother-in-law) ...

Last but not the least ... MY NEW LIFE ... MY SOUL ... the only one whom I MISS a lot... my dearest nearest KUTTYMA... MAHATI chella kutty ... I always run out of words when I think of her ... The sweetest cutest 11month old cute little kid born on 9th of March'09... I am just waiting to hear “chithi” from my sweetheart ...
The way she says 'bha bha' ... Her "thathaka bhuthaka walks" ... Her smiles ... Her unique postures and gestures ... n lot more ... LOVE YOU KUTTYMA ...

..... A RIGHT HOME FOR ME .....

And thank you God for a house full of people I love ...

NOTE: More about my people coming up in the next blog ...